Wiesław Jan Modrakowski

SP. Z O.O.

Founder of EXPERTUS security-secret-services Group ® in 1990-1992 and 1996 and creator of the brands: EXPERTUS and MODRAKOWSKI24 is Wiesław Jan Modrakowski , graduate and doctor of legal sciences at the Faculty of Law and Administration of the Nicolaus Copernicus University; private detective (since 1995); currently a proxy of the Detective Agency & amp; Business Protection "Detectives & amp; Lawyers ”in Warsaw; in 2016 - 2022 r. President of the Management Board of POLISH DETECTIVE FEDERATION - Association of Entrepreneurs, in 2013-2016 President of the Management Board of Polish Association of Licensed Detectives ; since 1994 security advisor for counterintelligence protection of contracts and corporations; in the years 1981-90 lecturer, assistant professor and professor at the Institute of Police Sciences , author of many specialist studies in the field of counterintelligence and economic protection of the state, creator and organizer of a training system in the field of counteracting terrorist threats and co-author of studies on the principles of recognizing economic crime especially in indirect taxation, as an officer of the Economic Crime Bureau of the Police Headquarters ; in the years 1994 - 2006 participant and negotiator of legislative procedures in the field of laws on the protection of persons and property and co-creator of the foundations of the regulations of the detective profession, in the years 1998 - 2004 Chairman of the Peers 'Court and President of the Management Board of the Warsaw Polish Employers' Association PROTECTION in the years 2010 - 2013); member of many national and international organizations for the protection of people and business safety, including Association of Polish Lawyers , Polish Forensic Society and Program Council of the Legal Research Center of the Kozminski University strong > and International Association of Auto Theft Investigators , International Police Association and World Association of Detectives .
services in 3 areas of activity
- MSW concession no. DA I K-468/95 of 04.08.1995 - including protection from persons and property
- entry in the register of regulated activity No. RD-43/2006 of September 29, 2006
- detective licenses No. 1371, 3692, 3970
- notarial deed of March 26, 1990; KRS No. 0000203559
- first MSW concession no. DA I K-468/95 of 04.08.1995
- after separation from detective activity: MSW license No. L-0258/05 of 10.10.2005
- first entry in the register of business activity No. 205 / R / 92 of March 26, 1992.
- change: entry No. 361095 of June 1, 1996
- ERP delegation - from May 22, 1997
We specialize in identifying and identifying threats as well as verification and gaining evidence
unfair competition, betrayal and fraud in business, family and partnership relations.
Detectives and lawyers in one place
We employ experienced specialists, including: p forensics experts, licensed detectives , physical and technical protection of persons and property, with professional preparation and practice in law enforcement agencies.
We only work with professionals to provide our services, which determines the effectiveness of our activities. We care about the discretion of our clients. We ensure the reliability of the information provided.
Our staff of employees and associates, partners-specialists, are primarily: lawyers, licensed detectives and security coordinators, certified forensics and technical security experts as well as certified engineers and surveillance technicians and GPS monitoring , as well as experts in detecting wiretaps, jamming and eliminating interference in business activities of unfair competition and counterintelligence protection of privacy and data of all forms, the so-called computer forensics.
The highest quality of our services is achieved thanks to professional preparation and many years of experience in the field of detective services and classified business protection (technical and legal).
We operate in...
We operate in...
Poland, Europe
and other continents
Poland, Europe
and other continents
We comply with all applicable legal requirements - including:
- of the Act of August 22, 1997 on the protection of persons and property (Journal of Laws No. 114, item 740, as amended)
- of the Act of 6 July 2001 on detective services (Journal of Laws No. 12, item 110, as amended)
- of the Act of August 29, 1997 on the protection of personal data. (Journal of Laws of 1997, No. 133, item 883)
- of the Act of 5 July 2010 on the protection of classified information (Journal of Laws of 2010, No. 182, item 1228)
We have the required liability insurance for possible damages to entities related to the contracts and resulting from the performed activities.
The territorial scope of our activity covers the territory of Poland, the neighboring countries of the European Union, the former Commonwealth of Independent States and other continents, and is determined primarily by the legal possibilities and needs of our clients.
We invite you to cooperate!